Tuesday, March 09, 2010

why i like to garden

This posting on one of my favorite blogs got me a bit worked up.

I don't like to be thought of as part of a "movement". Yes I like to eat organic (sometimes). and yes I like to eat local (sometimes), but I like having a banana in the winter, and I like having awesome cheeses from the store.

I don't garden because of a movement or because I want to return to a simpler time. I garden because I love it. I love raising something and seeing it grow and enjoying the fruits (literally) of my labor. I like the taste of fresh veggies and going out and picking a pepper to grill and eat 20 min later.

I won't simplify the thought process of eating better (ie more fresh produce and dairy over processed foods) as looking at our agricultural history with rose colored glasses. I know that in many ways 100 years ago our food processing and manufacturing was scary (think The Jungle) and worse for human health. And as much as I joke about my farm with chickens, I know that I would never be able to work a farm like they did 150 years ago. That being said, I don't like the extremist labeling that seems to happen with any type of "movement" these days. Just because I don't like the way things are currently doesn't mean I want to go to the past. Just because I like to try making my own ice cream or pasta (thanks dad!) doesn't mean I won't buy some Ben & Jerry's or Burtolli.

Here is what I believe... just because it is called "food" and they have it at a grocery store, doesn't mean you should eat it. And just because something isn't "good for you" doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. Just use some common sense people. If what you are eating day in and day out is more chemical that natural your body isn't going to function properly. You don't have to buy organic , you don't even have to grow your own food you just have to think about what you are eating. HOWEVER if more people demanded quality fresh produce I think more stores might provided it, and it seems that one way people are demanding that type of food is by the "organic" "local" "grow your own" movements that are springing up around the country.

In the end I don't think it is about being "liberal" or "hippy" or "idealizing the past." I think eating well and living well are things all humans want and need. I don't think it is wrong to demand a certain quality of food, and if you have the resources to get said quality, whether that means buying organic, local or just doing it yourself.


Malesa said...

Amen! Well said.

Emily on the Southern Prairie said...

GREAT POST. seriously. I agree 110 percent and know just what you mean. I feel like I get the old "why do you want to go back to the old days?" saw all the time. I don't. I get it's 2010. I'm not trying to be part of a 'movement' or 'trend.' In other words, what you said. :)

sarah said...

Thank you two! I am glad I don't have to explain myself to you guys... it leaves more time to talk about yummy food :)