For six pint jars it took the better part of the day to peel the tomatoes, cook the sauce and process the jars. If Bill and I had to live only off what I could put up for the winter we would be super skinny.
Granted that this was my first time canning so I am sure I could be quicker if I was more experienced.
Btw it seems as if all six sealed properly.
nice work!!!
and indeed -- so much work.
Good job. That takes me back to shuttering memories of canning during the late summer with my parents. Sometimes we would can over one hundred (yes - one hundred) can of beans at a time. Last year, my mom and dad canned over 400 jars of tomatoes from his garden. He goes through a quart a day and so he wanted to make sure that he had plenty for the entire year. I still can't believe they did that many though. And that didn't even include the rest of the stuff that they did. I do enjoy going to their house and eating the little tasties though. Good job on canning. Someday I'll be right there with you, but today is not that day. (If I'm paying boat-loads for fresh produce at the grocery store, I'm going to eat it fresh).
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