Friday, April 01, 2005

April fools...

I hate this day! It only shows everyone that I am honest and believe others to be honest as well. Stupid gmail even got me, I was all excited by infinite space... and i really liked their graph. But at least I get paid today, and tomorrow is a Saturday, better than having fools day on a Monday.

According to my hand-written countdown on my calendar (yes before blogging I would do anything to not work) there are 127 days till my wedding and 49 days till I leave for Ireland. But, to me the most important countdown isn't included on my calendar. I decided I would force myself to actually compute 2+(days left til wedding)=days left til honeymoon. Yea, I am going to Ireland, and yes that is exciting and all, but a trip to Disney World with my hubby will be so much fun!

Well today I have two birthday shout outs, not that either of these people will read my blog, mostly because they are both turning 8, but also because I haven't really told anyone about my blog. Anyway, Happy Birthday David and Chris.

I think I will try to see sin city this weekend, we'll see if it will happen or not.

Ok time to actually work for my money (there's only an hour before lunchtime).

1 comment:

RJW said...

i heard that sin city was disturbing and lousy from a few people who saw it. one of the guys was apparently laughing, but he's a headcase