Friday, April 29, 2005

In The News

News Bits:
So the "run-away" bride thing scares me. 600 guests and she disappears on the nightly run? If it is foul play (which I really really really hope it isn't) I think it will be the FI that did it...

Also in the news, the mother that stabbed her two children to death, wait here's the worst part she stabbed them over 500 times. The poor husband, and their baby died in a fire (they are now reopening that case).

Then there is the president ruining my meal time because he is on every station telling me how drilling in Alaska is good and Social Security is dead and well then I changed to channel to the WB (blue collar tv was on)

Oh, and then there is the guy that had his mother frozen in his freezer in WI. Apparently they have declared that she died of natural causes... still seems a bit fishy to me (besides he had home-made bombs and an arsenal of guns).

Anyway, Bill and I will probably go see Kung Fu Hustle again, due to Jed talk to him about it last night. But really, it is a very funny and well produced kung fu movie.

PSA star wars is coming out soon have you gotten your ticket yet?

AW (Attention Whore) there are 99 days to my wedding!!! and 21 days until I trek over the ocean to the Emerald Isles. Wedding plans are coming along smoothly, this weekend we need to go reserve tuxes, finish up typing out the addresses and get them in a Lani-friendly format, call the lady from the Hilton, and start making maps for all you lovely guests... I really thing if you live in Cleveland (or lived in Cleveland) you should be able to find you way to Rockside road... if now learn to read a map, and if you can't do either of those, well I don't know if you should be coming to my wedding... oh and I have to find buttons... anyway if anyone would like to finish the planning for me and I can just show up I would appreciate it.

ok well I have successfully wasted about 40 min thinking about and writing this post. ha that made me think of something funny... I was on the phone with Bill and told him I had just finished reading a post from my grandma (Mimi). Well Bill was rightfully confused since I mostly read posts related to our wedding on sites like theknot. Anyway I corrected myself, and I must say I am proud that I have a grandma who emails me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

too much information for me to digest at 12.30 and exhausted. what the heck is up with things going down in georgia these days.

and as my comment always goes, how is this the top story on cnn. i'm done with cnn. It's a more reasonable third side story at MSNBC.