Friday, November 21, 2008

guest blogger

I was going to blog today about thanksgiving, but I received such an awesome email from my Dad today that not only did i print it out to reread on my ride home, but I decided he would be my guest blogger today. So here is his email to me:

Hi Sarah,
After reading your blog, I thought as your father I should try to quell your unreasonable fear of some of God's little creatures.

So I decided to do some research about the little centipede so I could put your mind at ease the next time you saw one. When I decided to do this I wasn't on my computer so I looked up centipede in the dictionary. About the only thing they said was they are voracious and predatory with many legs.

Well, I didn't think this would do much to quell your fear so the next time I was on line I looked up centipede in the on line dictionary. "any member of the class Chilopoda of long flattened many-segmented predaceous arthropods with each segment bearing one pair of legs of which the foremost pair is modified into poison fangs".

Well, I didn't think the addition of the poisonous fangs would help either so I looked them up on Wikipedia. In reading through all the information, the prospect of quelling your fear grew slimmer and slimmer. Not only are they voracious and predatory with
poisonous fangs, but I found that one species can grow 1-2 feet in length and can actually catch bats in mid flight. But, alas, I came upon a sub-section about the common house centipede. And I came upon some interesting things. First, 'The bite of most house centipedes is incapable of penetrating human skin. Those that can, give an effect no worse than a minor bee sting.' But more important than that is what they do eat. Their diet consist mainly of 'House centipedes feed on spiders, bedbugs, termites, cockroaches, silverfish, ants and other household arthropods'. So, even though these little creatures that we typically think of as ugly and disgusting, having them around your home can reduce the quantity and maybe the presence of many of the other little creatures that we really do not want in our home. That all aside, I can't say as I blame you for not wanting to share your shower with them.

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