Friday, November 14, 2008

yeah, whatever

the sun went away again.

but progress is happening in my basement and it's Friday so i am in a pretty good mood. last night i made myself go to spin class despite the lack of sleep and overall tiredness (maybe from the flu shot?) but that means that along with going to bed again after 12pm (7 days in a row!) all of my leg muscles are protesting this morning.

This weekend Christie is in town to visit Brian, so tomorrow we are going out to dinner and then to see the new bond movie.

Work has been busy and a bit depressing lately (more on that some other time). We move a week from today into our new digs at 333.

Obama's office moved into the federal building kitty corner to mine and now at least once a day (usually around lunch time) my quite typing is interrupted by the blaring of a hundred different cab horns as they block off the street for some reason (maybe our president elect feels like some jimmy johns, or, more likely, harold's) Anyway, I am happy for Obama and such, but I am glad to be moving away from all these federal buildings... no more protests, marches, homeland security trucks etc.

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