Tuesday, November 25, 2008

long long weekend

I am so thankful to have this time off. Work and construction and moving and even the loss of sunlight have all taken a toll on me. So at 12 noon today, I cleaned up my desk and took the 1230 train home. I have taken tomorrow and Friday off as vacation days. And as Bill mentioned, the carpet people called as I was cleaning up at work so we will be getting our new carpet in on Friday yay!!!

So I come home and instead of being productive I am watching Jon and Kate plus 8. It doesn't seem to be a regular episode, but the story about her tummy tuck. It is amazing how much a woman's stomach can stretch when pregnant, but sextuplets really stretches it out. Anyway tomorrow I'll make some pumpkin pies and maybe I'll bake some cookies or some other treat for Bill.

Winnie is whining so I should do see what she wants.

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