so, the berghoff is closing.... if you around in the next 2 months, try to visit.
Obviously they aren't putting a starbucks there, but it would have been fitting.
To quote a famous donkey, "Thanks for noticing me." As my title suggests, I am not creative so don't expect cool phrases or neat titles from me. Most of my posts are about my little life on this rock we call Earth.
Today's high 17, tomorrows 24, and so on until next Monday we will be a
balmy 45.
On Saturday we went and cut down our Christmas tree. It is a beautiful white pine, and I will post pictures from home. Saturday evening was my Christmas party, and Bill seemed to have pretty good luck with his bowling --he even won a prize. I was not bad enough for the DFL (Damn F-in Luck) prize and not good enough for anything else. The food was decent and the drinks were good.
On Sunday, we had errands to run, and then Bill Lily and I trekked over to Oakbrook Center and finished Christmas shopping. That evening we decorated the tree and made him b-e-a-utiful.
Now it is Tuesday and the weather forecast through next Monday looks like an exponential growth graph... Today's high 17, tomorrows 24, and so on until next Monday we will be a balmy 45. Yesterday's temp was pretty bad and the wind chill was negative nine. (yikes)
So that is all that has happened recently... I will try to get some pics up of the tree some time soon... Otherwise I should get to work here and I am sure you have better things to do.
"Flash Quiz! Two trains going 185 kph and 236 kph are headed toward you from opposite directions. One of them freaks you out on a contact high resulting from his complete inability to verbalize or even think about sex in any way, to the degree that even hearing the word seems to hurt him physically. The other freaks you out due to his extreme and immature boundary-less ability to talk about sex in a very personal and evocative way, in an inappropriate forum.
Okay, now you're dead. Who do you blame?
A) The tight-ass Jew train.
B) The ass-obsessed gay train.
C) The guy who willfully and pissily obstructed and sabotaged the railroad-building team throughout, from drafting the railroad, to cutting the timber, to carting the timber, to laying the tracks, to wiring the warning system, and brought this situation about where there was no real plan, and all the other trains spend the entire time trying to think of what they're going to do next, because there's no agenda whatsoever, because that part got short shrift due to somebody having to change his diaper and burp him every three hours?
You're right, it's a wash. That was a trick question."
so on my desk right now i have the actual ticker tape confetti that was shot out of cannons. it is pretty tissue paper in black white and red.
We watched the parade and threw shredded paper out the office next to ours which had a great view of Jackson and laSalle. So now i have to go back to work after spending the better part of the day celebrating (we also had cake because one of my coworker just won a huge humanitarian award.)
I would attach a picture but all i can find is streaming video... oh well.
Edited at 3:41: HA HA! I have found pictures. This are the pics from Diane's camera phone. The ones of the street she was actually hanging her arm awkwardly out the window (yes we have windows that open up) and giving her husband and the rest of us a heart attack that she would drop it and kill an innocent parade watcher. Lucky for us she has more coordination than the norm and she got some decent pics.
Edited 4:13: These next Pics are from John, who actually went to the parade but is tall enought to get picture even four people back from the curb.
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